Wine and Wellness
Wine & Wellness
Because wellness doesn’t mean wineless!
As a long distance runner for years and years and years I used to be really convinced that “no, sorry am training for a marathon so am sticking to water thanks” and that “yes please, I’ll have a large glass of red wine, after all am not training at the moment” were my only options, I really thought that it’s an all in or all out thing.
Until I actually really didn’t have much of a choice.
Indeed as I became a student of wine this did not stop me from coaching runners and waking up at 4am 4 times a week, running over 50 to 60 miles a week, training for long distances and still taste wine, even drink a glass or two sometimes. However what I did learn was balance, discipline and being organised. Like really really ruthless about when I do taste and when I don’t, when I do enjoy a glass of wine and when I avoid it. I also realised that it wasn’t about being all in or all out, but rather it was about being all in in THEE moment.
So yes, go ahead, you can enjoy a glass of wine or two tonight even if you are coaching or running tomorrow morning. BUT the key is to make sure that much like your food is “clean” so should be your wine. By this I mean that many of us go to great lengths of eating organic foods and other “free froms” well the same diligence should be applied to wine. That’s one thing. The other thing is you want to make sure you opt for wines that will have lower alcohol and a little less sugar.
So what do I pour in my glass?
Well if it’s before a race, as in the eve of a long distance race I really love a Cote du Rhone to go with my pasta. On the eve of interval training I have a soft spot for a German Riesling with daal. But regardless I always make sure the wine I drink particularly when I am coaching, training and racing will be from a sustainably grown, organic, biodynamic, vegan source. And of course drink plenty of water and drink responsibly!
Bio, Biodynamic, Natural, what is this all about
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Basics for wine pairing
What’s in my glass today
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