with Steph Bouvard

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Wine education is at the heart of everything Steph does

Basics for wine tasting


1 bottle of fermented grape juice of choice, 2 or 3 is even better

vessel of choice with a 1:1 glass to bottle ratio so you can put them side by side

1 bottle opener


open bottle(s)

pour equal amounts into glasses

Look at your glass: observe colour and concentration

Bring glass closer to your face somewhere between your chin and your nose, you might get lucky and start noticing certain aromas,

Take a deep sniff

Take a sip

Swirl and… SPIT!

Observe the sensation on your mouth, palate and tongue: what’s the zest, the zing and the zang? does it make your mouth water? do you feel like you just licked a velvet blanket or chewed on chalk?

Repeat with each glass, compare.

Pick the one you like best, repeat all the above except skip the sniffing and the spitting and go straight to simply drinking.

Enjoy the juice!


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